If you want affordable, trusted, neighborhood child care - you found the right place!
Benefits of having MomSub find, arrange and manage child care - whether it's every week or once in a while
No more long lists of providers
Get matched to one MomSub right for you
No more endless messages
MomSub handles scheduling of interviews and care
No more ghosting
MomSub is always reachable
No more hassle
Quick and easy booking
No more last-minute scramble
MomSub handles backup care
No more worries
MomSubs are prescreened & approved
No more lack of experience
Many MomSubs are moms like you
No more subscription or placement fees
MomSub's matching service is free
No more guilt
MomSub works with your changing schedule
No more ATM runs
Secure online payments

What does MomSub do?
MomSub collects information from moms like you about when you need a sitter to watch or drive your kids.
We get the same information from child care providers about when they’re available to watch or drive someone else’s children. (Some caregivers are moms themselves.)
MomSub schedules a Zoom interview with the mom who needs help and the nanny available to provide care when and where she needs it - whether that's every week or once in a while.
After a successful match, MomSub bills the mom who needs care based on the nanny's rate, the service fee and the hours per week.
MomSub pays the entire hourly rate directly to the babysitter who provides care.
MomSub adds a low $1 per hour service fee that covers the personalized searching, scheduling, interviewing, background checks, negotiating, booking, confirming, invoicing, online payments, direct deposit, tax forms, calendar updates and ongoing communication.
Rates (including service fee) start at $16 per hour. The stress relief is priceless!
What makes us best?
Our 24/7 customer service and backup options eliminate your stress!
There are many apps, websites and services that provide you with lists of babysitters, nannies and daycare centers that take hours to contact and schedule -- only to have them cancel. MomSub matches you with one provider who is available when and where you want starting at $16 per hour. Many of our MomSubs are mothers who understand your challenges and follow the latest research about safety and health for their own children and yours!